We wanted a new beginning.
New Beginnings Apostolic Fellowship was founded by a small group who were separately called to the mountains for their own new beginning. Like the mountains we call home, we are individualistic, tough as granite, and yet fragile like plants above the tree line. We recognize that we are all imperfect, each in our own walk with Jesus, and are thankful for His grace.
God has a purpose for you. Wherever you are in your life, it is never too late to have a relationship with Jesus. We are here - a group of inspired and devoted people - to encourage, support, and lift each other up with the help of Jesus.
We enjoy lively worship - from prayer to song to teaching and sermons. We welcome the Holy Spirit to fill our meetings and services and to fill each individual with with joy and peace that overflows. We challenge ourselves and each other to be better - more like Jesus - each day. Personal growth and change can sometimes be tough but noone is alone. We are all sinners, saved only through the grace of God. You should leave our group meetings or services feeling supported by a fellowship of believers.
God has a purpose for you. Wherever you are in your life, it is never too late to have a relationship with Jesus. We are here - a group of inspired and devoted people - to encourage, support, and lift each other up with the help of Jesus.
We enjoy lively worship - from prayer to song to teaching and sermons. We welcome the Holy Spirit to fill our meetings and services and to fill each individual with with joy and peace that overflows. We challenge ourselves and each other to be better - more like Jesus - each day. Personal growth and change can sometimes be tough but noone is alone. We are all sinners, saved only through the grace of God. You should leave our group meetings or services feeling supported by a fellowship of believers.

Our vision
The vision of New Beginnings Apostolic Fellowship is to enable everyone to have their own new beginning by:
- growing a community of authentic believers,
- help others come to know Jesus as the center of their lives, and
- witness a region transformed by the life changing reality of the gospel.
Where we are going
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
- Mark 16:15 (NKJV)
We believe that the best way to grow a community of believers is through four steps.
From the mountains, rivers flow down and change what they touch. It is our vision that through the power of God hearts and lives will be changed. We have seen positive change in our homes and our communities. We want to share this with more people and welcome people into the family of Jesus. It will happen by the Power of Jesus' Name!
- Mark 16:15 (NKJV)
We believe that the best way to grow a community of believers is through four steps.
- Attend. See to the needs of people and surrounding community. Meet people where they are.
- Friend. Grow honest friendships, build community, based in love.
- Equip. Provide people with knowledge and tools, mentoring in discipleship so that each person can live a victorious life in Jesus Christ.
- Send. Send those that are ready to go out and be the hands and feet of Jesus.
From the mountains, rivers flow down and change what they touch. It is our vision that through the power of God hearts and lives will be changed. We have seen positive change in our homes and our communities. We want to share this with more people and welcome people into the family of Jesus. It will happen by the Power of Jesus' Name!